
Helping to tackle drink-driving amongst young people at Christmas

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Giving people ways to intervene to stop their friends from drink-driving

Young men are disproportionately involved in drink-driving accidents, according to the Department for Transport, with 280 young men killed or seriously injured due to drink-driving in 2016. On average, men aged 17-24 are 24 times more likely to die or be seriously injured than drivers aged over 25, and four times more likely than women of the same age.

A recent RAC survey revealed that more than two-thirds of people would urge their friend not to drive if they thought they were over the limit. To help people intervene to stop their friends drink-driving we put humour at the heart of the behaviour change campaign and created 3 pub-set spots featuring a group of friends.


The spots were shown online and on social media during the Christmas and party season, as well as at football grounds, on Spotify and in pubs.